Operational Tips

On very hot days try to park in the shade or leave a window open. Your car will cool down much quicker if the interior doesn’t become super-heated. Actually, the highest temperature to which most people are ever subjected to is the temperature inside a car that has been parked in the sun on 32C day inside temperature can reach 60C.

If the interior of a parked car does become superheated, turn unit on and drive a block or two with windows open. This removes overheated air and permits quicker cool down.

A car with its heater off naturally cools better than the same car with its heater on. Don’t laugh at this one – many heaters still heat even when the controls and fan are turned off. Check it.

Characteristics of your car will affect the cooling performance, for example: a light coloured car cools better than a dark coloured car. A car with tinted glass cools better than one with plain glass. Facts to consider when buying a new car.

Tinted windows help with the cooling of your car.

Variable factors such as your speed, number of passengers and humidity will affect the rate of which your unit cools the car.

The engine temperature of an air conditioned car will run a little hotter than without air conditioning. If loss of engine coolant occurs, have this checked. Several things can be checked to help alleviate the condition. (see periodic maintenance guide).

Turn the unit on for a few minutes each week during cool weather to lubricate the compressor shaft seal.

Don’t worry about water draining out under the middle of your car. It comes from the condensation drain hoses and has been removed from the air, for your added comfort, by the dehumidifying actions of the evaporator coil.

Most drivers find to their delight that the absence of buffeting wind and air noise is just as important for a relaxing and enjoyable trip as proper temperature. Consider using your air conditioning on trips even in temperatures when you would be reasonably comfortable without it.

Under certain atmospheric conditions, water may condense onto the underside evaporator case. You can minimise the possibility of this occurring by ensuring that there are not outside air leaks. Check particularly all points of entry from the engine bay into the cabin, the fresh air vents and door seals.

All new parts and labour come with a 12 month warranty


Maintenance Notes

DRIVE BELT: The compressor drive belt should be periodically checked for looseness and wear. A slack belt will affect cooling and cause unnecessary noise and vibration. Have your repairer adjust the belt to the correct tension.

If a new belt is fitted it will require re-tensioning after a run-in period.

CONDENSOR: The condenser is located between the grill and the radiator and plays an important part in the performance of the air conditioner. A clogged condenser will decrease the efficiency of the system. Periodically, clean off any accumulated grass, leaves and bugs with a hose or soft brush.

Never place fine mesh screen or any obstruction in front of the condenser.

COOLING SYSTEM: The engine temperature of any air conditioned car will run a little hotter than one without air conditioning. Therefore, it is important that the cooling system be kept in top condition. Modern car engine cooling systems are designed to operate best with a mixture of permanent anti-freeze and water. Ensure that the anti-freeze level is maintained to car manufacturers’ specifications. Regularly check condition of radiator cap, radiator hoses and heater hoses. If loss of coolant occurs, have your repairer pressure test the system. It is recommended that the cooling system be back flushed every two years.

Regularly check condition of radiator cap, radiator hoses and heater hoses.

CAUTION: Do not at any time try to remove the compressor oil filler plug or loosen any refrigerant hose connections. This will cause loss of refrigerant and compressor oil and may result in serious damage to the compressor and also cause bodily injuries.

Environmental authorities impose heavy penalties on unlicensed operators, do not loosen any connections.

Annual Aircon Service

The periodic checks listed below are for the purpose of routine preventative maintenance to ensure the satisfactory operation of your air conditioner.
We recommend that you have the services listed carried out annually by a qualified and experienced repairer, before the start of each summer season.

We can run through this checklist for you. Book your inspection now!

  • Run air conditioner and check suction and discharge pressures
  • Check compressor noise level
  • Evacuate system and recharge refrigerant
  • Change receiver/drier (filter) – Bi-annually
  • Check mounting security of compressor brackets and bolts
  • Check compressor clutch bolts for tension
  • Check drive belt for tension and wear
  • Remove foreign matter from condenser – annually or as required
  • Check refrigerant hoses for location, wear and chafing
  • Check drain tubes are not kinked or blocked
  • Check idler bearing for wear and operation (if fitted)
  • Regas system and leak test all fittings and connections
  • Check electric fan operation (if fitted)
  • Pressure test radiator cap and cooling system
  • Back flush radiator and engine block


Fill out the form and we’ll be in contact regarding a time to book an inspection for your car.



    MON – THURS 8am – 5pm | FRI 8am – 4pm



    8am – 5pm

    8am – 4pm